Resilience is not always the answer. Our reaction to significant trauma will of course vary from person to person, but allowing yourself to feel whatever it is you’re feeling is of utmost importance. My guest today is Tracy Litt, a motivational speaker, thought leader, and powerhouse of transformation. She’s here to share how to own your emotions, ignite your power, and change your life.
Listen in as Tracy explains the moment in her life when she decided to be honest with herself, leave her corporate job, and pursue a new career. You will learn how to overcome your fears in life, the importance of respecting yourself (and teaching your children to do the same), and why regret is a useless feeling.
Listen to the Full Episode:
What You’ll Learn:
How the pandemic has affected Tracy’s business and work.
How to reach the next level of you.
The importance of holding space for your feelings.
How a mother’s role plays into a child’s self-esteem.
Why you must be honest with yourself.
Ideas Worth Sharing:
“Nothing to me is scarier than not living in my fullest potential.” - Tracy Litt
“Please stop thinking that resilience is the answer.” - Tracy Litt
“Our feelings are neutral. The only thing that makes them positive or negative is our judgment of them.” - Tracy Litt
Worthy Human by Tracy Litt