Ep #21: Abigail Barnes: A Story of Divine Intervention


It has been a turbulent year, and for many people, finding a way to make the most of this new way of living can seem impossible. However, our guest believes it simply comes down to two things: mindset and determination. Abigail Barnes is the founder of Success by Design Training, an award-winning entrepreneur, author and the creator of The 888 Formula. In this episode, she will be sharing how you can improve your productivity (even during a pandemic) and create a better work-life balance.

Listen in as Abigail describes the importance of finding a way, no matter the circumstances, because life is a gift and you never know how long you have left. You will learn how to take advantage of the time we are given and how to live by The 888 Formula. For Abigail, it took an extreme health scare to realize that work is not the only thing that matters in life, and today she will be sharing how you can implement this way of thinking into your life too.

Listen to the Full Episode:

What You’ll Learn:

  • How to be more productive.

  • What it was like writing a book.

  • How can we make the most of these hard times.

  • How to shift your mindset in a positive way.

  • Why getting older is a blessing.

  • How to take advantage of the time we are given.

  • What The 888 Formula is.

Ideas Worth Sharing:

“We don’t know how long we’ve got on this planet. Every day is a gift.” - Abigail Barnes

“Age is a gift because life is a gift.” - Abigail Barnes

”They say time is money, but time is actually potential.” - Abigail Barnes


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