Social media gives us the ability to connect and share valuable information with anyone, regardless of their location. It also allows us to grow our audience, therefore growing our business, while showing our community who we truly are as people. However, social media can be daunting to those who have never dipped their toes into the online world. So, in this episode, Dot Lung, Social Media Strategist, will be sharing her best advice for building your online business through the power of social media.
Listen in as Dot explains the importance of personal branding and why incorporating social media into your marketing strategy can truly change the game. You will learn the confidence you can gain through building your own wealth (and how Dot did so), the power of collaboration, and how to craft the perfect call-to-action.
What You’ll Learn:
The importance of creating content that serves and adds value to your audience.
How Dot quit her corporate job to become a full-time freelancer.
Why personal branding is key.
How to use collaboration to grow your business online.
The power of using short-form video.
How to create evergreen content.
A basic strategy for getting started on LinkedIn.
How to get started on TikTok.
How Dot made over six figures on Instagram.
Ideas Worth Sharing:
“It’s never too late to put yourself out there, and social media is a really great tool to market your business.” - Dot Lung
“You need to be independent. You need to know how to build your own wealth.” - Dot Lung
“The goal should always be consistently producing high-quality content.” - Dot Lung
“Short-form video is here to stay.” - Dot Lung
“Social media is all about relationships.” - Dot Lung
Molly Dare 0:07
Hello and welcome to On Air with Molly dare. I'm your host, Molly dare, founder of Hillenbrand, media producer of the Spotlight Series, single mom to two teen girls, and passionate about getting you to live the life you're passionate about. Today, I am joined by dot lung. She is a social media strategist. And when I was thinking about who my listeners are, and really diving into what you all, you know, are looking for and wants and the inspiration and motivation, but also looking for tactical tips and advice for getting started on your dreams and your passions. I want to bring in some people that I really look up to that I think are experts in the field that can really help not only get your business started, but grow your business, I really am passionate about everyone winning everyone succeeding, and whatever their their choice endeavor is. And, you know, I am someone who has just found the importance of social media of making sure that you at least have a presence across all the platforms. And there are many, there are many, many, many platforms, there's new ones coming out all the time, I know it can be overwhelming. And I you know, I made a joke one day in one of my social audio rooms that I was going to make a plan to date the social media, audio apps, to date them all, it's the month of love. By the time this recording comes out, we're going to be past February. But you know, I think the idea of taking 30 days to familiarize yourself with all the social media platforms or as many of them as you can at least set up a presence, set up your bio, set up a profile, get familiar with it, see if it's something that makes sense for you, your business, your product you if it could attract a new audience for you. I just I can't get over how important I think it is. And why should you be dating these social audio apps, I'm going to go through them and I'm going to tell you why. That you need to date them that they are going to be your new boyfriends or girlfriends for just the next 30 days. And you know, I made it into like a little joke, but I'll share it with you on here. But it's true. There's a lot of truth to this. Okay, so you're going to date tick tock that is your funny boyfriend or girlfriend, that is the one that makes you laugh, you guys had the best time together, you get a little silly with your content, it really brings out like the funny cute silly side of you. Alright, then you're going to date LinkedIn, that is your super smart, successful, significant other, they are going to be the one who really raises your level of educational content. So they're going to take your idea whatever it is that you want to post about, and really force you to up level it really, how can you use it to educate others on what you do? Then you're going to date Instagram, that's your hot, hot, significant other, right? That's the one where you post all the good looking photos. And you want to attract Instagrams all about attracting people to you your business what you're about. You're gonna have a fun time over on Instagram, then you're going to date Listen, we all day Facebook, right that's, that's the one we're gonna marry. That's the one that we are going to. That's our family one the one we settle down with where we post you know, the family our wins in life, what we're going through, it feels very safe on on Facebook, then you're going to date some of the you know, social audio apps, you're going to go to clubhouse, you're going to check that out and see social clubhouse is your really talkative and fun boyfriend or girlfriend that is the one who's going to give you all the gossip and you're going to find out so much information on other people and other newsworthy events and just gonna have a great time gossiping and getting along and meeting new people. Then you're going to date LinkedIn. Okay, LinkedIn is the the the boyfriend or girlfriend that you broke up with a decade ago. But now they're back in the picture that got new stuff going on. And I'm going to check them out again. They've got some cool new stuff going on. And you may have fought with them in the past but now we're back and we're they just launched a show a social audio called Twitter spaces as well as part of their platform that you definitely want to check out. I've been hosting my entrepreneur mindset rooms, on both clubhouse and Twitter spaces. So if you're looking for some inspiration and motivation in the mornings, I host for the past year I've been hosting the entrepreneurial mindset power hour I host it on clubhouse Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at 9am Eastern Standard Time. And I host it on Twitter spaces, Fridays, Saturdays and Mondays at 9am. Eastern Standard Time. And each day, we host the room under a different topic, but all under the umbrella of entrepreneurial mindset. And we've just we've formed like an amazing community where we feel like family, we miss each other when we're not in a room. And we all come from different backgrounds and different ideas. And that's what I love most about the conversations that we have in these rooms is that we don't always look at the topic the same way because we've had different experiences and we feel differently about things And I think the way that we learn and grow is by listening to other people. And it's another great way. And this is why I tell everybody in the room who was in there is use this room to create content, whatever the topic is today, if something that somebody said resonated with you write a post about it. If you're brought up something that you think differently on or that you feel passionately about, post about it, make it into a post, it's like I'm giving you a prompt every single morning on, on something to write about, or talk about, or post about, or make a tech talk about whatever moves you. So I really, really strongly encourage you, whatever path that you're on whatever business you're in, to, to make it a goal in these next 30 days to try out the other social media platforms that you're not already on. And just start posting, start seeing what works, what doesn't work, get a get a lay of the land. I think that's so important. And the last thing I say before I get to Dot, because she's got some incredible tactical information on social media and growing your own is that when you go to post content, whether it's a pretty photo, or it's a funny video, or whatever that is, make sure that whatever you're sharing is under the guise of wanting to serve the audience. So for instance, I'm going to give you an example like I posted just like my last post on my Instagram today is of me and like a fur hat, freezing myself in Chicago, right? And that looks like that. That can't be anything like thoughtful or whatever. What do you How are you serving your audience by posting that I posted it right. And it's supposed to make you laugh, whatever, because I'm freezing, and I'm being hit by a cold rush of air. But it's also I added in there like this is how I'm prepared for I just came back from a one week of being in multiple cities with multiple different climate that went from LA to Chicago. And here's how I pack for this so that I can carry on and how I can get the best use of I don't like to check luggage because it's a waste of my time to sit and wait for luggage. I'm always rushing from here to there to everywhere. So here's some practical you know, luggage packing Guide On How To be best prepared for multiple climates on a work trip. I'm always looking to serve and add value to my community. So when you're looking to press that post button, make sure you are doing the same how is this post serving and adding value to your community. Now I'm not going to waste any more of your time because I really want to get to this conversation with the amazing dot lung I know you're going to love her. Let's get started.
I am joined today by the amazing dot lung Instagram strategist to the rock stars misfits and rebels working with industry giants such as Facebook, Wix motion ographers, and many more featured in Vanity Fair Short for Dorothy and lung is Mandarin for dragons if I correct? Yes, that is right. I am all about names and meanings. And you know, my parents named me Molly dare. So I had no choice but to live a daring life. This week, you took on the moniker of Mother of Dragons, building your clients, social media empires, and I absolutely love that. Tell me a little bit about what Mother of Dragons means to you?
Dot Lung 8:01
Well, to be completely honest, I didn't even watch Game of Thrones. Until very recently, when I did my whole entire rebranding and personal brand strategy. The mother of social dragons is basically the identity that I create around the social media strategy that I teach my students worldwide. It's based upon my 10 years of industry knowledge building, Instagram, and Facebook and Twitter accounts from zero. And the dragon methodology is basically the philosophy of how to approach social media. And I decided that when I went through my personal branding process, what better name in honor of the mother of dragons from Game of Thrones than his mother of social Dragon, so because my last name is lung, I come from a Wii family of dragons. And I thought this could be a great, you know, a great identity for me, and it seems to be paying off. So that's how I ended up here.
Molly Dare 9:04
I love it. I think it's so great. It just it does show the importance of personal branding. It really does and what gets you noticed and what people remember and what clicks in their mind. My audience, as I was telling you, before we started recording is largely female entrepreneurs, just getting started are very early on in their entrepreneurial game. They're passionate about something, they've got a business concept that they're going after. But a lot of them need that extra push to really take their business to the next level. And social media, I believe too, plays a huge part in that. How important do you think social media is to the success of a business?
Dot Lung 9:37
Let me be fully transparent social media has basically built my entire career, my entire business and like couldn't be where I am today. Without it. I've been able to work with the most amazing people from all over the world, travel the world and get paid while doing so. I've been able to achieve the dreams and goals that I've always wanted, because of social media because I was out there sharing what I was doing and what I believed in and what I was passionate about. And I think everyone, like it's not. I know everyone, like, now today, everyone's on social media. But when I started, you know, it was like, oh, Facebook is just a fad. And you know, it wasn't really that important as it is today. So I truly believe in it. I think it's never too late to really, you know, put yourself out there. And social media is a great tool to get you noticed and really build your dream business.
Molly Dare 10:36
Well, I know I'm with you, because and the reason why I really connected to you because I started following your page. And I'm a huge fan of using social media to market, your business, your products, yourself, whatever it is, I started on Facebook, way, way, way back, when when back when I had retail stores, and there wasn't any any such thing as Facebook business page, but I created one for my business because I saw the value of sharing the photos of new items that came in and me in the store and all of that. But I want to talk about your journey, your background, you know, you say you're a big fan of trial and error. What were some trials and lessons in your own life that led you to where you are today?
Dot Lung 11:14
Wow, well, where do we even begin with that? I think most of my 20s was in complete experiment. I had no
Molly Dare 11:24
I think for most of us.
Dot Lung 11:27
I had no idea social media was even a real job title. I actually I didn't know you could get paid to write content and post stuff on Instagram or Twitter. And, and so I actually got professionally into it in 2011, when I had basically left I was born and raised in Los Angeles and decided, you know, that I was going to end my own corporate career for myself, because I didn't want to spend my 20s the best years of my life in a cubicle, I wanted to pursue my dreams. And I wanted to be out there meeting people and traveling the world. So I finally got the guts and courage to do it. I left everything, sold my car, and basically said goodbye at 25 and I would have done it earlier. If I had any regrets. I regret would be not starting sooner and just going for my dreams way earlier. But you know, it takes time to actually get that confidence and belief in yourself. So I left home at 25 and just never looked back. I'm turning 36 in June. And wow, the last 10-11 years have just been a an incredible ride full of mistakes full of failed businesses and experiments, including many ex boyfriends and partners. And, you know, I always say it takes kissing a lot of toes or a lot of, you know, failures to really find you know, your prince or your dream business. And that's kind of like how it really started for me. But wow, I when I moved to Barcelona, I didn't have a job, I didn't have a work visa even I had no idea how I was going to make ends meet. So I was doing anything and everything anyone would hire, you know, an American expat to do so, you know, teaching English translations babysitting. Finally, you know, doing the interning and graphic design, figuring out that apparently, I'm really good at Instagram. So that's how I jumped on that bandwagon. But I really experimented, you know, with everything, even when I was in college, I always had a job, always trying new things, and figuring out how I was going to make money. At the end of the day, you know, I grew up with a single mom. And one of those important things that she taught me is you need to be independent, you need to know how to build your own wealth. So I've always been working since I was 15. I've always had a job. So I think that really gave me the ability to have enough confidence to go for the next thing like I knew that I would always be able to get a job but to build your own business and, and do well at that. That's something different. Totally different skill set. Yeah.
Molly Dare 14:20
I love what you're saying. And I feel like we've almost lived the same life because I you know, when I graduated college, I was in a cubicle. And I realized real quick No, this is not for me. This is not the life that I want, you know, down on Wall Street and I realized real quick like, I want to be passionate about what I'm doing. I want to use my talents and my gifts. And I now have 14 and 16 year old daughters and they have jobs. They're one of the few people in their grades that actually have to go to work after school. But I think it's important that they understand the work ethic and what it takes in the value of $1 and how much it takes to make money and then hopefully run their own business one day because they're watching me do the same and I think that's an important Lesson, I want to dive right into it. You talk a lot about collaboration over competition, huge fan of the hear about collaboration over competition, one of the things that you talk about collaborating on our reels, and I would love to share because some people are a little scared of the reels like oh my gosh, how do I even make this work for my business, I feel a little silly putting it together, but reels are huge right now.
Dot Lung 15:24
short form video is here to stay. And if you're not planning for using short form video, meaning Instagram reels tick tock YouTube shorts, it's gonna be really hard for people to give you attention, right, because that's what we're all fighting for in the social media space is eyeballs and attention. And the best way to get attention right now is that Instagram reels are tick tock format. And what I always recommend is creating evergreen content that your customers can learn about your product, they can understand, you know, what you do and, and why you do it within 15, under 30 seconds, right? The, the shorter, the better. And these don't need to be over lead produce, they just need to be authentic and real. And what a great way to get started and comfortable doing it is actually through collaboration. Because through collaboration, it helps you work with someone that maybe had more, a little bit more experience during the reels to help you guide you through the process. So that's how I got started doing a first couple of my collaboration reels. And then slowly I don't think I'm the best person either. I'm with you guys practicing and trying new things. But I truly think like if you are able to collaborate with someone, that's how you can actually cross pollinate your audience, but also get new ideas and feedback and how to make your reels better.
Molly Dare 16:55
Absolutely. And I agree with you wholeheartedly. You know, it's fun to just to experiment. And I think once you get I mean, the trick is the hardest part is just getting started. It's just doing it the first time. And then you get to have fun with it and get creative with it and see what works for your specific audience. Because we each have kind of different niches and different audience, you know, for sure, you also collab and interview a lot of leading social media strategist, you know, as I was looking through your Instagram page, I love, love, love that you bring others into your social media and introduce them to your world and your community, you're one of the best collaborators that I've seen. So it's it's not just your voice telling people about things, it's very conversational, I think it's great to have different viewpoints that people learn a lot. And I really just encourage my audience to go and check out your social media to see how you do that so effortlessly, and it's very, very effective. So let's discuss social media strategy. There are so many platforms right now that it's overwhelming for a lot of us. I mean, there's the LinkedIn, the tiktoks, the Instagrams, the social audio apps. So let's let's kind of break it down a little bit, let's discuss LinkedIn, and basic strategy for getting started on there.
Dot Lung 18:06
Well, on LinkedIn, your bio is no longer just your resume, it's actually your landing page, meaning this is where you have three seconds to sell someone on following you or taking a look at your LinkedIn profile. So the way that you should actually be writing your LinkedIn profile is in a way that's going to attract your target audience. So you're not going to go on LinkedIn and say I did this and I achieved these things. And oh, look at me, I'm so great. And well, you should, you should, you know, share a little bit about your history, but make it about the problems that your user or your target audience is having. So your profile should be able to directly identify who your target audience is. So when they land on your page, they know Oh, hey, I should probably follow this person, because they are going to help me solve my problem. So what I learned from Rory Vaden, who's also a personal brand expert, he says, You must sell the problem, you must market the problem. Because once you market the problem, that way, you're going to actually attract the people that have that problem to go to you to solve it. Right. So this is for consultants, for people that have products that provide solutions. And once you are able to, you know, sell that problem. You have so much content, and so many ways to engage with your audience through your LinkedIn by giving them you know, the problem and solution to what their needs are. So your your profile on LinkedIn, it needs to really basically give the user that's that you're trying to attract the information that they need to To bring them closer to the funnel. So when I when I say funnel, I mean, are you trying to bring them to your website? Are you trying to get them to call you to email you what is the action that you need them to really take and that information needs to be really clear on your LinkedIn. So starting out with the sentence you have right under your name, beginning even with your name, you should your name can say, you know, dot lung social media expert, like you can say that right in your title. So that comes right out on SEO, if you want to be more specific social media strategy for SaaS companies, right? So then Sass companies will, you will come out and search, you know, as the social media person for Sass companies. So depending on what your goals are, that's exactly how you should write your profile.
Molly Dare 20:50
You know, I love that. And I think one thing that I really want to highlight to make sure that really people paid attention to is how important a call to action is, I have noticed that across all platforms that people you take for granted that people are going to save or share or call you or follow up with you. But like it has helped me tremendously in conversions, is having that call to action be so clear, like call me here, or click on this, or share this post, whatever that is, I can't emphasize that enough. And I just really wanted to highlight that because I think that's really great. Alright, so I just have started on tick tock, it's one that I stayed away from, for a while, I'm like oh no no my kids are on it, right? And I'm like, it's not for me, I'm too old, I've aged out. And I started doing it. You know, my kids got me on it during the pandemic doing like silly things. And then I kind of reengaged with it this past fall. And I'm having just like so much fun with it. I think it's like a really, really fun creative way to get your message across. What tips do you have with maybe the older generation because a lot of my audiences is in their 30s and 40s and 50s. And getting started on tick tock,
Dot Lung 22:00
wow, tick tock is another beast because I actually shied a lot away from tick tock and currently, I'm actually not able to access my tic tock account. So I'm like, this is just not
Molly Dare 22:11
a does ban you it's weird, because like my daughter's been banned, like it's just like all of a sudden, randomly like bans people and nobody even knows why.
Dot Lung 22:19
Yeah, I think I signed up like eight years ago and just forgot my password and phone number. But the number one thing like that, you know, tick tock is so powerful just because of the reach, right, you're able to anybody can get a viral video on that. And that shouldn't be the goal. The goal should always be consistently producing, you know, high quality content that's has a purpose to serve your ideal customers. But, you know, tick tock, I'm not the expert at it. But I know so many people that literally have grown enormous audiences, they're tick tock,
Molly Dare 22:58
what I have found really helpful for me and repurposing my tic TOCs, to make them into the reels and I bring them kind of over onto the other platforms, or you can like edit them in certain ways. And so that's why I love at least testing out all the different platforms. And I also, you know, tick tock and thinking of other platforms that allow you to put your Instagram handle in there. So it's a nice little feeder, into the other platforms. So I'm always saying, you know, whether you like a platform, or you think it's usable for you, it's at least helpful to set up a profile so that people can feed you to maybe the platforms that you're more active on or effective on. So let's talk about speaking of profiles, you're more active on Instagram, because you have made a lot of money on Instagram. What are people missing out on here and I by people, I mean myself, because you have made over six figures on that platform alone.
Dot Lung 23:51
Pretty incredible, right? And that's not all organic. We have a really strong media company doing all the paid media ads for my domestica course. So it's not all me there's a very, very professional ads optimization team that's able to do a lot of retargeting. So we're able to generate a lot of sales on the course that we sold over 100,000 courses worldwide, but it's also the type of product right this product is under $10. So it's a really great entry price for you know, for the top of the funnel. Now when you go down to my product funnel, you know my rate is I'm extremely expensive. My clients know that I'm very expensive the ones that I work one on one with i Do you know private consulting with Fortune 500 companies. So the course that I have that is something a product that I created specifically for my Instagram audience that can actually get a lower ticket entry point to see what I'm to see how I can help them and what I do in my business, because most companies can't afford to work with me one on one. So that's why I created that course. And I sold it through Instagram, and Facebook ads. And we also have YouTube ads running. But it's the course is all about Instagram strategy for business growth. And it basically goes over the strategy that took me eight years to figure out, you know, really what I was doing for businesses and for my own personal brand, and how it all ties together into a dragons formula. So most people are like, What the heck is this dragons formula? It's like, like, what the heck is this, and it's just an acronym, right? Dragons is an acronym. And it basically represents each of the elements you need in your content strategies, specifically for Instagram, but it works on any social media channel, any content strategy that you need to build. So the D, and Dragon is all about dialogue. This is the basic reason of why we exist on social media is to have a conversation. So if you can master the art of conversation, you can master social media is pretty simple, right? If you think about why are we on social media, is to open up a dialogue. And you should be opening up conversations with your ideal clients, with your prospects with your current customers, this is a platform to do that. Business is no longer a one way megaphone, okay, people are talking back and forth. So the more conversations that you can have back and forth, the more visibility you're going to have, the closer your customers are going to feel to you. So that's, you know, a whole module in the course is all about how to create these dialogues, how to optimize your content, so that there can be more conversations on it for organic reach. And the second element in the dragon is all about relatability. relatability is what makes your content get more likes is directly correlated to likability, believe it or not. So the more you're able to create relatable content, the more viral it goes, because of how the algorithm works. When somebody dwells longer on your content, they and they engage with it. That signal, that signal tells the algorithm that hey, this is good content. And if they share it, it means that it's even better content. And the way to make that better content is through storytelling. Because storytelling is what connects us humans together. It's what makes us relate to each other. So if you can learn anything this year, I would learn how to use storytelling as your competitive advantage.
Molly Dare 27:54
I think you and I both interviewed Kindra Hall.
Dot Lung 27:57
I love her.
Molly Dare 27:58
Yes right the amazing storyteller and she's got an amazing books on storytelling. You guys definitely pick those up as well. She's She's amazing. And I saw that you that you spoke with her as well.
Dot Lung 28:08
Yeah, I'm a huge fan. Actually, her book inspired me on the the entire personal brand strategy course that I created.
Molly Dare 28:18
Dot Lung 28:18
Yeah, it's it's really powerful. It's very powerful. And so yeah, that's the second element of the dragon. It's all about how can you create and be more relatable, the A and the dragon is authenticity. Okay, Your vibe attracts your tribe. So it's really important to stay true to who you are, especially in a world full of swindlers and mannessah ryokans and Shimon Leviev's and Tinder swindlers
Molly Dare 28:44
oh my gosh, are everywhere right now. Right? It's on every documentary is all the swindlers, which I'm actually happy that it's being exposed, because it's helping everyone see what authenticity is and isn't. So really great, great point.
Dot Lung 28:57
And the G in the dragon is all about giving. It's about giving value, give, give, give, give more than you receive, because that's how the playing field of social media is that the more that you give, the more you're going to get. So if you want more engagement, you should go out there and give engagement you should go out there and make new friends and build new community. Don't expect people to go to your page and like I don't care if your video is amazing and you spend so much time on it. It doesn't matter if you didn't go out there and give the love right you if you want love on your stuff, you need to go out there and give love and build community make these connections. That is the hard work on social media is to really, you know, do what you're doing Molly like connecting with people one on one and like building these relationships. Because at the end of the day, social media is all about relationships. And the more that you give, the more you're going to get. So the G and the dragon is like the backbone of how this entire formula works. There's an entire Higher module just on all the types of G there are all the ways to give. Okay. So I don't know how long this podcast is, but not sure if we have time for that. But move on to the the Oh in the dragon is about sharing your opinion. So sharing your opinion, good, bad or ugly, this is what's actually going to, you know, attract your true true fans. And it might Repel your haters, which is a great thing, right? Because you don't need everyone to like you, you just need the right people to like you. So you have to be out there to share your opinion, you've got to share your beliefs, because how each piece of content works is that it attracts and repels. So it will attract the real fans and repel, you know, the fake fans. So you need to be clear on what your brand's mission and vision and values are so that you can start sharing them. So that's the Oh, the end. And the dragon is all about knowing exactly who your niche or niche is. And this is where you start, you actually start at the end at the tail of the dragon with the with the niche. Once you know exactly who you're here to serve, your writing should, and your content should be directly serving your niche. So it's going to be a very specific problem for a specific person. And that's how you actually get started. And then if you make it to the end of the dragon, the S is for all that sales, you will automatically be generating. But I actually recently changed the s in the formula, the dragons formula to serving because the more you actually, yeah, the more you actually serve, the more sales you're gonna get. And that, you know, is the social media strategy that I've been teaching students around the world.
Molly Dare 31:58
I love that. And I love how you broke it down for us in that way. And I think it resonates with with so many of us, it definitely resonates with me. You quoted another amazing brand strategist and Nellie Hansen. I hope I said that correctly. But he says build a brand like you build a relationship. And I think that I love that quote. And I think that's really, really important because it is a relationship. It's a relationship you have with your community and the people who are following you and your brand, you want your brand to speak to them. And you want to speak to your, your, your community and your following. And there's so many different ways to do that, which I know you go through in more way more detail in your course. So I do hope people check that out. What do you see as the future of work? How are we going to be working differently going forward?
Dot Lung 32:45
I think I read somewhere that like 90% of America's workforce is going to be freelance by 2030 or something, something very soon, like something like really around the corner that we're all going to be independent contractors. And I wouldn't say goodbye to corporate America, it's not going anywhere. But we're going to have a hybrid workplace. So everything is going to be hybrid. There's actually a real really good book that's coming out all about the stimulated method for the hybrid workplace. And this is how specifically creative firms and creative agencies are going to work moving forward in the creative workforce, the global creative workforce, because we are moving toward a more globalized society, whether we like it or not, it's much it's for the better and everything is moving online. So more reason to build your personal brand and your identity online so that you can actually be creating the jobs and the dream job that you want. Right. So absolutely. It's like, I think you can all also take a look at China, right? Because they're kind of 10 years ahead of us. And there's not one business in China that does not have WeChat that does not you know, accept payments just by mobile. So they've already been doing that for like the last, I don't know, 15 years they've been they're super ahead of the game. So take a look at what's happening in Asia and you can see what's coming. And so everybody's working from home, not everybody, okay, I don't want to like make generalizations. But many people most people, everyone's has a hybrid workplace, even here now in Israel, most companies, you know, you don't have to go in all days of the week. There's always like one or two days. The whole office works from home. And I think we're just this is the trend is here to stay. There's also going to be more CO working, co living, co working and CO living are just going to be the norm as we go more global so
Molly Dare 34:59
yeah, You know, the other thing that I wanted to point out is, you know, with the importance of getting yourself out there getting on social media showing, you know, your face and the importance of short form video, which I'm a big fan of. It's also important for the live video as well, that seems to have tremendous traction on the platform's is going like once you're brave enough, once you're getting yourself out there, you're posting all the posts. The next step is getting brave enough to go live and you do a learn with dot live right every Monday, does that correct? Yes,
Dot Lung 35:30
yes. So what actually what happened at the start of the pendant, I had this amazing, amazing event planned here in Israel in Tel Aviv at the Facebook playground. And it was it's a, it was a monthly in person event where brand strategist and influencers and company's digital marketing experts gather together and we would have, you know, like a cocktail wine and cheese, get to know each other, and then also have like an industry speaker, give a workshop or a fireside chat. So it was this event that I had been working on and building for my moving to Israel and, and having basically the purpose of getting to know the local community and building contacts and community. And then the pandemic happens. So I never was able to do this amazing networking event and, and meet the people in my industry. So what I did was I brought it online, I brought it onto Instagram Live. So I started interviewing, you know, not just local people, but people from all over the world, every Monday on Instagram, and so I am no live expert. But after doing this for a year now, I think I pretty much got the hang of it and got over my fear of being on live video. And it's really just about being yourself, right? That's at the end of the day, if
Molly Dare 37:03
and we all know how to do that.
Dot Lung 37:06
If you take one, one thing away from this, from this podcast, it's like being yourself is the most powerful superpower you have to stand out and to really be noticed.
Molly Dare 37:21
I totally agree. And I always say, for so long, myself included, I would look up to people that I wanted to be like, and I would try to like emulate them. And I realized that that's not that's not what's gonna attract people to me, people are looking for something different, right? So whatever makes you you and sets you apart, like go all in on that, like that is your superpower. So if people want to connect with you Dot, or work with you, where What all do you offer? And where can people find you and connect with you? And who is your ideal client?
Dot Lung 37:49
Yeah, well, I love for you guys to check out my award winning You can find everything you want to know there I have a I don't update my blog so often. But I update my Instagram as often as possible. I try to do a live every Monday, I went hard in January. So I kind of took a break right now. But I'll be back live every Monday starting in March. But that's all my free content. I have two courses on domestica. One on Instagram strategy for business growth. I also have a personal branding for Social Media course. And yeah, I'll be releasing another course on freelance social media management. I'd love to, you know, teach up incoming social media, freelancers, everything that I know that that I had to learn the hard way in the last 10 years. Yeah, and if you need social media help, you can always just reach out to me on email. I'm pretty old school when it comes down to
Molly Dare 38:49
well, Dot I can't thank you enough for sharing your incredible insights with me and my listeners today. You're such a wealth of knowledge and I strongly encourage everyone to follow Dot and connect with her to make the most of your social media as well. And I'll see you next week with another powerful conversation.
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