Ep #59: Grow Your Business Using the Power of Mentorship with Felicia Romero

Becoming an entrepreneur is one of the most empowering and yet difficult things you can do. It is up to you to make the big decisions and navigate the challenges. It’s common to feel stuck, overwhelmed or uncertain, at least at some point in your entrepreneurial journey. If you’re an online coach feeling this way, our guest today is ready to help you. Felicia Romero is a sought-after mentor and wellness coach, helping online coaches sell and scale their businesses to create the freedom and wealth that they desire. In this episode, Felicia joins the show to share her advice for entrepreneurs at any stage in their journey, as well as why she believes entrepreneurship is a muscle that you can either flex or not.

Listen in as she explains the importance of finding the kind of lifestyle that works for you. You will learn the moment that Felicia decided to pivot in her career, why how you talk to yourself really does matter and why she believes hiring a mentor is one of the most valuable things you can do.

What You’ll Learn:

  • The importance of mentorship.

  • When Felicia got involved in health and wellness.

  • How she found the drive to build and scale her multiple gyms.

  • How to grow your entrepreneurial muscle.

  • Why finding what works for you is key.

  • How to create your life by design.

  • What made Felicia pivot in her career.

  • The benefit of positive self-talk.

  • Why you shouldn’t always trade time for money.

Ideas Worth Sharing:

“There are so many ways to invite mentorship into our lives.” - Felicia Romero
“I believe that there is a fine balance between nature versus nurture.” - Felicia Romero
“Entrepreneurship is a muscle that we get to flex and we get to hone if that is your desire.” - Felicia Romero 



Molly Dare 0:07

All right welcome to On Air with Molly Dare. Today I am joined by Felicia Romero seen on numerous magazine covers and TV interviews, a sought after mentor and wellness coach podcast host of the hi Felicia podcast. Felicia, welcome. So glad you could join me today.

Felicia Romero 0:24

Oh, my goodness, I'm so excited to be here and chatting today.

Molly Dare 0:28

Well, I'm so happy that you're able to join us. As I was saying to you, before we started recording, so many of the listeners are getting started kind of on their entrepreneurial journey. And I have just found for myself, no matter where you are kind of in your journey in your career path, how important that mentorship is, and that guidance, right?

Felicia Romero 0:50

Oh, absolutely. But prior to having mentors, obviously, there's a lot of ways to you know, have mentors, we have books, we have podcasts yesterday, I was listening to an audible like, there were various ways to really introduce mentorship in your life, but it wasn't until I actually started betting on myself and and actually investing in mentorship is when I had an energetic shift within myself, right? It's like, Hey, I'm gonna pay to play and you know, money is energy. And, and the fact that I did that all of a sudden, something shifted inside of me where I'm like, I'm going to make this work. You know, I'm going to have a lot of obstacles. Yes, there's ebbs and flows in business. But this is going to work. And I'm going to keep figuring out until it does. And so how mentorship triggered that inside of me and I see a trigger. You know, what a lot of women that decide to finally invest in mentorship, there's this thing that comes over us where we're like, I'm finally ready to do the thing. So yeah,

Molly Dare 1:43

absolutely agree with you. And so today, you are an online coach who helps other online coaches sell and scale their business to create freedom and wealth that they desire. And who doesn't desire that? I have to ask, going back to young Felicia, Were you always this driven and fitness focused and about the healthy lifestyle?

Felicia Romero 2:03

Oh, you know, what I will I come from a Mexican household. So we didn't talk about calories about carbs. My mom, I never remembered my mom jumping on any sort of like, quote, unquote, diet. But one thing I always was, and one thing my mom always wanted me to be was active. So I played sports at a very young age. But as far as the driven, you know, I wrote my master's, I have a master's in exercise science. And I wrote my thesis on the nature versus nurture. And there was this innate, I think, for me, this this nature in me, where I've always been this competitive sort of nature, but not just with like other people, but with myself, wanting to achieve more wanting to do more. So that started at a very young age all the way back to like, keep needing to like do you know, do the best in school and do you know, be in the honor roll and academic night and like excel in sports and be the best on the team like, that was always innately ingrained inside of me. But then obviously, the nurture came in with with my mom being that first mentor of mine, right? The first mentor is like, I believe in you, I want you to do these things. And so I really just sort of found my path along the way, but I opened up my first gym when I was 21 years old. So I'm going to be 40 in less than a month. And, you know, I was thinking back, so I'm writing a book at this moment. And so like, I was going through some of the different like, milestones in my life. And I was really think I was like, Oh my gosh, I've never, I've never worked for anybody. I mean, I did work at us, like a tanning salon in high school. But from the moment of being in college to then like starting to train people out of my home, and then continuing my education and then opening up my first gym at 21, which was this tiny little four foot studio, it's like 1500 square feet, save money in a summer. And luckily, you know, I trained or we trained, I had a partner at the time, the owner of the building that literally charged us now get this $1 square foot, like it was insane. You're not gonna get that anywhere now. That was like back in 2000, you know, 2003-2004, 1500 square foot studio $1 a square foot, like we were making bank at that time, I was like, Yes, I'm like, killing it. But, you know, I, I've always just had that drive. But yeah, I've I think back and I'm like, wow, I never had really ever had a traditional, quote unquote, nine to five job. I've always been that entrepreneur. And it started at a very young age, but it really was, you know, the people that were in my life, and that the innate drive that I've always sort of had within myself,

Molly Dare 4:35

you know, it's interesting, I was having a conversation with someone about - is entrepreneurship, is it something you're born with? Or is it something that you learn? And are there people that are just cut out that way? They're just born that way? Or, you know, that's kind of that's a whole other conversation.

Felicia Romero 4:52

I think it's a muscle. It's a muscle. I mean, I think if you have that drive, and you know, you know, you want to take that risk, and I often think that like my naivete got me through my 20s because I continued opening up gyms but I didn't, I didn't open it up around the time around social media. So there was no comparison there wasn't like, Oh, she's doing this, I need to do this too, or there was none of that it was literally just this drive that I had inside of me. But I do believe that there is this, you know, fine balance of nature versus nurture. And I believe that entrepreneurship is a muscle that we get to flex and we get to hone, if that is your desire, and not everyone is cut out to be an entrepreneur. That's why we have people who work you know, like my sister, for instance, she's the kind of person that just wants to check in to her job. And then when she's done for the day, she's done, and she goes home and does her thing, and she's perfectly happy and content. And so that's okay, too. So I think it's just really following what your path is, and life and listening to those nudges that you get, but also, you know, finding what works for you, and what makes you happy.

Molly Dare 5:55

Absolutely. You know, it's it's so interesting, especially nowadays with the great resignation, and everyone leave me like, Oh, I'm gonna leave my nine to five, so I can make my own hours and like, no entrepreneurship is 24/7. You never stop, you're leaving a 9-5 for a 24/7. That is how it is, right? It's not it's not pleasure, or what, you know, there's been a little bit of glorification of entrepreneurship on social media, it's like you it's people, the laptop entrepreneurs who are just on a yacht, or on a jet and they have their little laptop open. Like, that's not what it is for sure.

Felicia Romero 6:24

I feel like sometimes we don't always share the whole truth. And you're right, it is this 24/7 thing, but there is a difference between that nine to five and working for someone else for that, you know, set income to the 24/7 where, you know, I could be working at eight o'clock at night, but I also could be like, not starting my day till 10 or 11. And so it's like, we get to be get to, like, choose what that is. But the 24/7 isn't necessarily this like grueling sacrifice. There is work. Yes, absolutely. There is that work involved. And I'm would be lying if I didn't say like, Hey, this has been a lot of work to get to this place. But I get to create my life by design versus by default. And there's a difference between I get to work 24/7, but it feels different than that nine to five, that just may be the clock in clock out. So yeah, I get to create life by design now. And that's what is truly, you know, amazing.

Molly Dare 7:19

So you had these gyms that you opened, you opened your first gym, I think you said back in 2004, you spent over 12 years, building gyms from the ground up and you have been a fitness coach for over 15 years and then you pivoted in 2017 Am I correct?

Felicia Romero 7:35

Yes, correct.

Molly Dare 7:36

So tell me a little bit about that pivot and what made you pivot?

Felicia Romero 7:40

Hmm, I got tired of like, I got tired of talking about macros. To be honest, I got tired of honestly, too, I think you know, we are our own ideal clients. So oftentimes when I was in that place of helping women really achieve this level of wellness, you know, I first started out I was a competitor for many years. So those that may not know what that is, I was an IFBB Pro. So if you ever are familiar with like competitions, or like I always say like Arnold Schwarzenegger, like I did the Super Bowl of in my field, the Olympia. And I, at one point, I placed top four in the world at what I did. And so I sort of kind of coined it as like it was a beauty pageant with muscle. And so at that point, when I had my gyms at that point, I was helping women with competitions, and I used to even host my own competition here in Arizona called the flusher microplastic for about seven years. And so but but then I graduated from there and I healed myself from that, I realized that that no longer made me happy. And I went, that's a whole nother conversation of like body dysmorphia, and healing from all of those things. But I shifted and realize that you could never be successful, just, you know, jumping on the next diet, because you're always going to search for that next diet that got you to a certain place and self love was something that I really got to that place where I'm like, You know what, I'm more than a body. I'm a voice and I don't want to live my life carrying around this Tupperware to help like social functions, or worrying about what I was eating or what you know, morsel of calorie I was putting in my mouth, like that's no way to live. So then I shifted, and the women that I help shifted, and I was starting to help women who, you know, realize that I don't want to jump on another yo yo diet, I really want to cultivate this level of self trust and self love and find what works for me again, I love wellness. I love being healthy. But oftentimes, you know, thinness or leanness doesn't always equate to healthy. So, you know, I shifted so the person that I helped also shifted. And then I realized as I was getting in like 2016 2017 after I sold my gyms, you know, I didn't really define myself I didn't talk about the issues that I used to have with food anymore. I wasn't really talking about I didn't identify with the binge eating tendencies that I used to have and I do just got tired of talking about those things again. And oftentimes, you know, when we are living in a place and we define ourselves by certain thing, kind of like, Hey, I'm a depressed person, I've always been depressed, well, no, you, you, you don't have to live in that story anymore. So then I started to shift and talk about different things. And I wanted to talk about, you know, wealth and creating this life by design and empowerment. And, you know, that shifted for me, so then I was like, you know, what, I no longer want to help women, quote, unquote, lose body fat, or, you know, I don't want to you know, because I even though my message was mindset and habits, I still attracted women who are likely shy really want to lose weight, and oh, my gosh, my macros weren't perfect today, like, oh, my gosh, I gained two pounds today. And, you know, that's not who I wanted to work with anymore. And so naturally, we grow, we evolve, we pivot, and it's okay to change your mind and change direction, which is what I did in 2017. And I just feel like, that's what for a lot of us, were sometimes afraid to do that, because we've been in a space for so long, and we built a brand, or we define ourselves by a certain thing. Sometimes it's hard to identify as something else. And I've been going through this shift, and for a lot of women that I've been attracting to as well, I've been going through this, like self identity shift. And I think a lot of women go through that in life, especially after the age of 25. But they're really just trying to find their way. And that's where we get to this place of like, you know, really following that intuition and following your gut and taking a chance on those nudges that you get in life.

Molly Dare 11:28

So interesting. It's you know, as I'm listening to you describe that that shift, which a lot of us go through what sometimes once, twice, three times more, if you want from it teaching to lose to teaching to gain, gain wealth, gain, that you know, their independence, and it's a very interesting, I can see how that could positively affect you too. Because I do believe what we put out into the world and what we talk about, it's also just as important how we talk to ourselves, and what we talk about and how we share our own stories to ourselves. 100% is incredibly important. So today, you mentor your wellness coaches on how to build wealth selling one thing to one person explained that,

Felicia Romero 12:06

yes, oh my gosh, I am so excited. It's a new program that I'm launching my new signature program. So you know, I kind of lost touch these last couple of years of like, what got me to the actual place of consistent 10k, eventually 15-20-30k months, and it was selling one thing to one person, I don't know if you've ever read the book by Alex Hormozi, or if you're familiar with him 100 million dollar offers. But it really is this thing where the past couple years, you know, I kind of tested out like launching multiple things and multiple programs and having different offers. And that was fun. But I also found that it was exhausting. You know, like, oh, like, like just the showing up. And I'm like, I just want simple. And I'm confident with selling and I'm competent with my product and competent what I do, and I know that I could help wellness coaches get to this certain place in their life where they are creating consistent income without a ton of sacrifice. And so that's what this is. And so I'm actually hosting a masterclass, and I'm not sure when this is going to air but it's gonna be next week, June 1, and second, it will be available on replay. And that will lead them into this new program that I'm going to be launching called the wealthy wellness coach. And it is literally teaching wellness coaches how to create wealth, getting, you know, really clear on Yes, their avatar, which is important, but more importantly how to really create that activated audience by sharing their story. And by creating their unique framework that is going to change lives. So literally create impact and income in their lives and not have these crazy inconsistent months who are continuing to trade time for money. Because let's be honest, a lot of us out there listening to this are probably undercharging, if you are a coach or you are a trainer or you are in any sort of coaching space, most of you are under charging and or treating it as this treating this as a trading time for money. And then what happens is we start to get burnt out or resentful of the business. Because there's there's an energetic disconnect, and the energetic disconnect is we feel like we're not being valued for what we're giving. And oftentimes I see that in this in the coaching space. So So yeah, it's helping coaches really connect to their voice, activate their audience and create their unique framework and create a very value based product versus competition based. Whenever we do anything competition based, it's usually we're you know, seeing what other coaches are doing and we're charging similar or undercutting our prices. For instance, if you're in the wellness industry, and you're a fitness coach, you know, oh, well most coaches charge $60 An hour or $1 a minute for a coaching session. Well, I'm gonna I'm gonna charge that or less. That's all competition based, right? I go I teach based on and what I create is value based, what kind of value are you getting for that program product and energetically, what feels good in terms of price and that's that's, that's but to help create for wellness coaches,

Molly Dare 15:02

I think that is so, so important. And I want to highlight what you just said there because for everybody listening because you do talk a lot about in your social media, I saw that you talked a lot about niching down how important that is to focus on your niche where so many people are just trying to appeal to everybody and everything by throwing stuff out there. And I was guilty of doing that, too, you know, years ago, and it wasn't until I niched down really honed in on what I was really, really good at that I then felt competent enough to charge what I'm worth, and I, I've said this before, and I'm gonna say it again, and I'm gonna say it to everybody here is it, what I charge, it's not based on the few hours that you have of me, I don't charge that way, what I am charging is based on the 20 years of experience that I have, that allows me to do what I do in those few hours. And when you think of it that way, you feel less guilty about charging what you're worth. More important.

Felicia Romero 15:53

Yes, mentors are literally the cheat codes for you in your business, you are cutting your time in half or more. And you're getting there quicker, and you get to also fail faster and have a mentor there, that is going to be able to hold that space for you. Because I guarantee if you are hiring a mentor, there's a reason why you hired him or her. And they probably have experienced the same things that you're experienced, whether it's a failed launch, whether it's you know, people not responding to the thing, or maybe your messaging there's a disconnect with messaging, or maybe you're just you know, lacking you have an impostor syndrome or afraid to show up on social media. Well, I guarantee that the mentor you hired has also been there too. And that's another reason why you're hiring them is because they have been where you've been, and they can help you through it.

Molly Dare 16:42

So let's talk about because I know people who are listening are loving everything that you're saying like yeah, they've got the fire lit under the you can also listen to Felicia on her podcast. Tell me a little bit about your podcast. What got you to start it? How long have you been doing it for?

Felicia Romero 16:58

Yeah, oh, my gosh, podcasting space is one of the best spaces. I love it so much. It's something that I'm so proud of that I've actually stayed consistent with that. I'm like, I'm all in like I knew. For me, it actually I wish I knew we were talking about earlier. I wish I started it sooner. But again, my own imposter syndrome held me back of like, well, who's gonna listen? Or oh, I'm not a tech person. How am I going to figure this out? Or I don't know what to talk about, like, Excuses, excuses. Excuses, right. And so I started it back in 2019. I actually started it as the diet drop out. That was the name of the podcast, I rebranded last year, because again, I'm all about that pivot. I'm all about evolution, and just evolving into who you're meant to be. And so I for two years, it was the diet drop out. And it was very, you know, talking a lot about diet and health, health and wellness and self love and body empowerment and all the things. And then I had this nudge last year to just I want to talk about other things I want to expand, I want to broaden. And so it turned into the hi Felicia podcast. And I love it. I've chatted from, you know, to amazing women all around the country, actually, around the world, I just had an interview with the gal in Australia. And it's awesome. I love it so much, because it's allowed me to connect with so many amazing women. And it's such a great platform to really build that intimacy with a person listening on the other end. I mean, think about it, you know, like maybe someone's listening to this right now, and you are on a walk, or you're at the gym, or you're in your car, or you're on the step mill, or you're at the grocery store, because oftentimes I listen to podcasts at the grocery store. So it's a very intimate thing. And so you get to learn about that person should go much deeper. And you get to learn about the topics they're talking about, too. So whether it's mindset or empowerment, or you get to learn a new thing. It's it's pretty fantastic.

Molly Dare 18:45

Absolutely. I mean, I agree I my one regret is that I did not start it sooner. It's been a great way to engage in conversation with the people you've always wanted to speak to or the people that spark some interest in you and you want to get to know a topic better. It's just been amazing. Just kind of like as a lead way to my business as well. It's great marketing, you know, I'm putting stuff out there. I see your audience, your audience sees mine. And it's a really, really great thing. And I think there's room for everybody in podcasting, everyone's voice is matters and has everybody has like their own special spin to what they say. And so there definitely is is a place for everybody. There. You are also you're very busy. You're also writing a book. You're in the middle of it right now coming out this fall. Is that right?

Felicia Romero 19:28

Yes. Oh my goodness. So this is how crazy the universe listens. Okay, so I'm a firm believer that the intention you put out, I'm a firm believer in law of attraction, law of attraction doesn't happen unless you take some action as well. So I will say that, like I'm all about, you know, manifesting this amazing life, but it does require you to actually move in the direction of that goal. And I decided to write a book and it's just again, one of those things. I'm an Enneagram three fn If you guys are familiar with Enneagram, that are listening right now, like we

Molly Dare 20:02

did a podcast episode on the Enneagram. So they should all know what I, I'm a three as well, by the way,

Felicia Romero 20:08

Oh, perfect, amazing. So you get it you understand like, not that I'm not a content person, I am perfectly happy, I just like the challenge, I like to do the next thing. And if it sounds, you know, kind of hard, I know that it's going to be like, I want to do it. And so for me, like the thought of writing a book was just something that I've always wanted to do, like, why not, and it's a great like thing to have. And so for me, my intention was, okay, I want to use this book to get on big stages. And I want to have it as like a lead way into like paid speaking gigs and things like that. And so that was the intention of the book. And literally, last week, in the week before I got these amazing opportunities to speak on some big stages in the fall that literally just landed on my lap. Because again, the power of the universe, it's like when you speak it, and you're talking about it, and you're writing in your journal, and you're putting it out there. And, you know, some women that I know that happen to be putting on this big event, like, for whatever reason, my, my name, or my just me came into their brain. And they reached out and I was just like, shocked. I can't announce it yet. But I'm going to be you know, one of the keynote speakers with some amazing, huge keynote speakers. And it even when I think about it, it scares me a little bit. So that's when I know I'm like, Okay, I gotta do this, but also motivates me even more to like, get the book done. Because you know, that could be sort of this in lieu of a paid, you know, getting paid, they could buy a certain number of my books, or I could sell the books in the back. Because most people obviously want to buy books from the speakers when they were they listened to them. So it was like this divine timing. And again, the law of attraction, right. And so but that wouldn't have happened, I think if I didn't actually put my foot forward and start writing the thing. And so it all just works out the way that it should. So yeah,

Molly Dare 21:59

I know, I love that. And we will all be watching for when it launches. And when we can purchase it, I'm sure you have a quote, I always tell him what to gently stalk my guests gently get their social media not in a creepy way. But go to I always say let's scroll down, not just their, you know, post, but really scroll down because there's, there's a lot of good stuff there. And when when I knew you were coming on, I was kind of looking through your social media, and you had a few quotes that I really loved. And one of them was when you attach yourself to an outcome or an expectation, you fall into a trap of thinking that your happiness lies in perfecting your circumstances, you are lying to yourself. What did you mean by this?

Felicia Romero 22:40

Hmm, yeah, this is all about this has been my life lesson literally is surrender. For anyone that's listening right now. And right now, if you are, if you are telling yourself that you need a certain thing, a certain outcome, a certain situation or circumstance to be, and to look a certain way, and you can't be happy until you get that thing, or you're not allowing yourself to be happy until this x thing happens. You're always going to be chasing the thing, right? And so, and you're never going to it's like, we get to choose happiness. Now we can no matter you know, you can feel that now. And this is this, this lesson of surrender, and the surrendering of what life should or what you think in your head, it should look like and it's really surrendering also to the outcomes of what you're doing and and truly doing things and creating things because you really want to do it. And you really want to create the thing and you want to feel that joy, without anything in return or expectation in return. So and you know, as someone who like constantly achieved, I look back in my, my 20s, even when I was like, let's say on stage, placing top four in the world, you think that I would have been on like cloud nine. And I was for a moment, but I didn't allow myself to really stop and smell the roses and enjoy the journey. It was always this like, I gotta get to that outcome because then I'll be okay, I'll feel good. Or I need to sign up for that next thing after it was never this like just to stop and smell the roses and to truly enjoy the journey because it's it's less about the outcome and more about the journey that you're on. And that has been a constant reminder for myself, then I'll find myself sometimes again in those traps, and I have to bring myself back and like okay, Felicia, enjoy the now enjoy the present. You get to choose happiness now. And it's a powerful lesson and it's a lot of self awareness. If I'm being honest, you have to really be aware of that as well.

Molly Dare 24:40

It's such a great point and it hit me because I get asked often with all these amazing people that I interview, who have achieved amazing success and they're they're amazing at what they do. But there's a part of them that is a little empty and a little sad because the journey is over. They reached that what they thought were Was this level of success and I thought that once they had it, all of a sudden it was gonna feel this amazingness in their life was fulfilled. And what we often forget is no, it's the journey along the way that and that should be the excitement. It's not that endpoint that gives us something to drive for and strive for. But really, you're not taking in the moments that you're in and the steps that you're accomplishing along the way, then you're missing the point. Yeah, you know, I just love that quote. So thank you so much for diving into that. You know, for someone who there's a lot of people who are who are coaches are getting into the coaching industry right now. And it's very hard to differentiate yourself right now, from all the coaches, there's a lot of very generic stuff being put out there in the coaching world, for someone looking to stand out, what should they be doing?

Felicia Romero 25:49

That is the best question, because this is something that a lot of coaches that I even work with struggle with, like Felicia, I feel like it's so saturated, and I feel like there's so much competition and the thing is, at the end of the day, no one is you. No one is you. No one is your story. No one is your unique story. And that's where I say like dig into the things that make you different. And oftentimes, for many, we're afraid to share the things that make us different or standout or polarized. And polarizing doesn't have to be a negative thing polarizing is just hey, you have a different point of view than other than these people, or you have a different stand on this. And, and I say lean into that. Lean into that even more and take a stand for what you believe in and share your opinion. Don't look for permission from others to share the opinion or Oh, is this okay to share? Oh, well, you know, keto is kind of getting a bad rap right now. So I'm not going to share anything about that. We'll know if you believe in it, that that's you then share, you may have people that disagree with you, well, those aren't your people, the people that truly want to work with you, those that tribe will come. So you are unique, you are special, you have your own special story, claim it, share it, that's where you're going to be able to attract the people that you know, want to follow you that want to work with you that feel aligned to you that will buy that your book that will listen to your podcast that will, you know, engage with you on social media or send you a DM I will, I will say the times that I have been the most vulnerable, whether it's on my podcast, when I've shared you know about abandonment issues that I had my dad leaving when I was a kid, I get flooded with DMS oh my gosh, Me too. Me too. Me too. I, you know, I experienced this as like a, you know, a Mexican, like, because I'm, you know, I'm obviously Hispanic. And so I share some stories about my Hispanic childhood. And I just get a flood of people that that experience what I experienced, and they would have never known that or they would have never been able to relate or connect with me with that story if I had never shared. So, you know, again, I and Brene Brown says, share from a place of your scars, not your wounds. And so like, if you have a hard time sharing, you know a thing because and you know that it's just gonna like rip open a band aid where you're like, oh, like you don't know how you're gonna be able to handle it, then it may not be time to share yet, but there will be a time. And so I think lean into that share your voice share your unique, you're special. And that is what's going to make you stand out.

Molly Dare 28:24

I love that. It's actually one of my favorite quotes love Brene Brown. And it's so powerful when you're thinking for many of us who share our stories our lives, it's always a great reminder and I say it often like to share from the scar not from the wound. Very important. Where is the best place for people to find you to follow you to sign up for your masterclass where can we lead everybody?

Felicia Romero 28:46

Yes, absolutely. So I hang out a lot over on Instagram. So @FeliciaRomero just my first and last name, super accessible, you're probably be able to like click link in the bio and you have all the links there. You'll you'll get if you're watching this, or you're hearing this in the master classes over there is a replay available probably going to be in my links. And then I started a tik tok last year and I have been just growing it I decided to go all in. And so that's been a lot of fun creating over there. And that same thing, Felicia Romero and FeliciaRomero.com. So you can find out all that information, you'll be able to find links to the podcast there as well. And yeah, the the podcast also has an Instagram page. So the hi Felicia podcast, and you get to see like all the different guests and the links there send you right to the podcast. So yeah

Molly Dare 29:31

love it easy. I love when people use their name for everything. It's just easy.

Felicia Romero 29:37

For sure, for sure.

Molly Dare 29:38

Oh my goodness. Felicia, thank you so much for joining me today and reminding us how important it is to have that mentor that someone who keeps you accountable and that it is all possible if you are willing to put the work in and thank you everyone for tuning in and see you next week.

Thank you so much for tuning in to this episode of On Air with Molly dare Your support means everything to me and my guests. The best way to support this podcast is with a five star review on iTunes. The best way for this podcast to keep growing is by word of mouth. So if you love this episode and got a meaningful takeaway, we'd love for you to share on social media, tag me and the guests and we will be sure to share as well. You can also head over to our new website at Mollydare.com. Check out our fun shop with fun merch along with our Spotlight Series filmed features and all of our podcasts episodes. If you do get your hands on some on air with Molly, Dare swag. And of course our line of daring fear less and aggressive like are sweatshirts and hats and coffee mugs. It just gives me all the biggest smile and feels as always, please tag me when you receive your items. And I'll share on my social media as well. Nothing makes me happier than seeing all of you daring and fearless aggressive bikers out there wearing it loud and proud. Thanks again for listening and look forward to next week's episode.

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